Mither’s Clan – its first outing

Our six Border Collie puppies had their first visit to the front yard today (2/3). Click on any image to see a larger picture. Then, click the back arrow on the browser to return to this gallery.

The ‘leave it’ assignment

Telling the dog to ‘leave it’ can be an essential household lesson – there are so many things in one’s house for the dog to leave alone.  One can begin to teach the dog to leave things as a part of the primary lesson to ‘get it.’  One must leave it before one can get it – so to speak.  The ‘leave it’ assignment is part of the Puppy Kindergarten class in week 4 and the Level 1 class in week 5.

The ‘stand’ exercise

This exercise teaches the dog to focus on the task you have given – in this case get on your feet and remain in place. The lesson is part of teaching the dog to stay on task after you have given the dog an assignment.

The “get it” game

Take advantage of the dog’s prey instinct – to chase. We encourage the dog to chase as a game with the dog eagerly coming back to us for more.  We want that eagerness on the dog’s part as an essential element of coming when called. This ‘get it’ game is part of the motivation lesson in week 4 of Puppy Kindergarten and week five in Level 1.

Amanda and Border Collie puppies

Granddaughter, Amanda, was present for the birth of a litter of Border Collie puppies and for each step of their first weeks of development – eyes open at two weeks, ears open at three weeks — and first solid food on their third week birthday.

Amanda holds the first born of five Border Collie puppies, April 1, 2017.

Amanda get ‘how to’ instructions from her aunt Marcia

Before eating directly from a bowl, puppy sucks its first solid food from Amanda’s finger.

Amanda (center) and Lauren (right) give the three-week-old Border Collie puppies their first meal of solid food

Join Drill Team and Therapy Service

Imagine your dog among these members of the Drill Team and in therapy service. Here are some pictures.  Open to Building Members.

Border Collies have the run of the park

This sunny Thanksgiving afternoon was a great time for a romp in our 10-acre,wooded dog park.  The park is open for our Building Members.  Dogs have great fun.  Our Collies were eager to run when we opened the gate.  They continued to explore for the next hour or so – non-stop.

What do dogs learn from each other?

This_is_sitWe can see that dogs often play at the same tempo.  What else do they learn from each other?  How about the ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stand’ and ‘stay’ exercises?  Gretel surely seems to be looking toward the other dogs as if she would like some guidance – or – demonstrating the ‘sit’ and expecting the other guys to take a lesson from her.

For an advanced version of the sit – check out how Bart does it.