Imagine your dog among these members of the Drill Team and in therapy service. Here are some pictures. Open to Building Members.
- Therapy visit at Ellis Library
- Rudy entertains at Ellis Library
- New therapy team members
- After Drill Team performance at Daniel Boone Library
- Marshall. Mo. performance
- The group picture in the Jim the Wonder Dog park in Marshall.
- Walk how far in/on my shoes?
- Here are the dogs in our holiday show. Join the fun!
- Egg hunt for Drill Team Dogs
- Stress relief at Ellis Library during finals week
- Holiday portriats for your dog
- Early morning ‘fog’ was part of this drill
- Safe Kids Day performance
- Holiday Show cast
- Chip’s wagon
- Pulling carts for big and small dogs
- One of the imaginative wagons from a holiday show
- Rudy’s wagon from Dec 2012 show