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About Our School, Our Dogs & Us

About Our School
We help families solve dog issues — housebreaking, digging, chewing, and household problems — help them achieve their goals for their dog(s) and prepare their dogs for therapy work and other important jobs including great family companions.
We believe that dog training is a teaching assignment. We believe teaching is best done in the context of making teaching and learning fun for both you and your dog.
We have been helping Central Missouri families and their dogs for more than 50 years.
About Our Facilities
Our facilities are dedicated exclusively to dog training and puppy training activities. They include 27 acres, 3,200-square-foot dog training building, 15,900-square-foot, fenced training yard, 10-acre, wooded dog park.
We have a full array of obedience and agility dog training equipment. We have facilities for outdoor dog training including tracking, water sports and water rescue work.

About Our Dogs
As German Shepherd Dog breeders, our interest was the total dog –beautiful, level-headed, intelligent, stable, trainable, healthy. We prided ourselves in having dogs with strong OFA background, sound temperament, structure and health, strong pigment and most of all loyal, loving companionship in our German Shepherds.
Our association with Border Collies began as a request from a friend in Scotland to take a puppy after the puppy’s owner died. Miste arrived as our ‘first footer’ January 1, 2010.
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About Ann

Ann Gafke has been training dogs for 50 years. For most of that time, she has been helping others train their dogs. Her program has won national recognition for 4H. The work of her students has been published by National Geographic in the book Dogs on Duty and in the book Pets and the Elderly. Her therapy work has been honored by Missouri mental health organizations.
The American Kennel Club used her German Shepherd Dogs in its educational slide show on the German Shepherd Standard to represent ideal shepherd temperament.
Ann’s interest in Border Collies began about age 10, as she recalls. My great uncle who was born and raised and lived in Scotland had a “rent-a-dog and shepherd” business where he rented Border Collies and a shepherd herdsman to farmers to round up and bring in their flocks for lambing, sheering, shots, market – just whatever they needed. He brought over here one of his Border Collies who had a litter of puppies on the way on a Sunday morning in the main train depot in Kansas City, Missouri. They were pictured on the front page of the Kansas City Star. People from all over the country wanted one of those puppies. I was just a kid about 10 years old, but I got one who stayed at my grandparent’s house at Sni-A-Bar Farms.

We invite you to contact us to talk about getting involved with our dog activities.