How Do Lost Dogs Find Home?

Cartoon black and white puppy dog in 3d with a magnetic compassAnn Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet, 325 E. Dripping Springs Rd, Columbia, MO 65202
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How about a bred-in compass?  This story from the American Kennel Club describes what researchers know of the ‘find home’ options including an internal compass.

Of course, first on the list would be the dog’s tracking capabilities. The dog ‘simply’ retraces the dog’s own scent.  In an experiment described in this article, researchers reported dogs that appeared to use compass-like abilities returned faster to home than the sniffer dogs.

The researchers point out that other species – fish, birds among them – appear to use compass navigation. The article also includes reminders of several famous return to home dog stories.

Regardless of your dog’s capabilities, we can help you build a bond with your dog so the dog will want to be home with you.


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