Our Shot Requirements for Humans and Canines

[Updated: May 12, 2023] Since the Covid emergency has ended, we no longer require everyone attending our in-person activities to demonstrate they are up to date with Covid vaccinations. We invite everyone to wear an appropriate face mask.
Dog’s Shot Record Required:
We require that one bring the shot record(s) for their dog(s) on the vet’s letterhead for admission to in person training. Here is the list of required inoculations. Your vet may adjust this list of shots for your particular dog’s needs. The rabies inoculation must be given by a veterinarian in Missouri. Your vet probably has given these other shots as part of the routine care of your dog(s):
- Distemper
- Hepatitis
- Leptospirosis
- Para influenza
- Rabies
- Parvo virus
- Bordetella (Kennel cough)
- And – Worm free check within the year
You may send or FAX us a copy of the your dog’s shot record ahead of the class or bring it to the first class meeting you attend. If you forget it, we will ask that you begin training at a later date when you have the record. If you are continuing in the class, bring an updated shot record when your dog has new shots. A shot-reminder list that vets often supply will meet this requirement. An invoice might also have that information.