Refund & Cancellation Policy

Refund & Cancellation Policy

Class Registrations:

We refund the full registration tuition for cancellations before the session of classes for which the registration was made has begun.  When the cancellation occurs during the first two weeks of a session, we provide refund of the registration tuition minus the equivalent of a private lesson: currently $90).

When we receive the cancellation request after the second week of a session, except for illness or incapacity of the handler or dog, there is no refund.  In the case of illness or incapacity after the second week of a session, we refund the tuition minus the private lessons fee (now $90) plus $45 for each week of the session that has happened before we were notified of the illness or incapacity. For example, the refund for incapacity after the fourth week of a session, would amount to $105 at the current tuition level of $285 for primary classes – $90 private lesson equivalent and $90 for lessons for weeks three and four.

Private lessons:

We do not charge an additional fee for private lessons for those enrolled in classes or are Members.  For private consultation of lessons for others, we refund the full registration tuition (currently $90 per hour) for cancellations before the lesson is conducted.  We do not refund tuition at the time the lesson is conducted.


For those who pay for their annual membership in a single payment, we refund the full amount of that payment for cancellations within the two weeks of the membership.

At the request of the member for illness or incapacity of the member or member’s dog(s) or the member moving away from the area (Boone and contiguous counties), we refund the annual membership payment minus an amount equal to the initial membership payment (currently $285) and monthly installments for the third and subsequent months of the membership. For example, for a Columbia area membership that began in April (currently $816) and the member notified us of a move from the area in September, we would hold $521 and refund $295.

For those who pay for their annual membership with periodic, monthly installments, we refund the full amount of the initial payment (currently $285) for cancellations before the member begins attending classes or participating in other services of the school.

When the cancellation occurs during the first two weeks of the member attending classes or participating in other services of the school, we provide refund of the initial payment minus the equivalent of a private lesson fee – currently $90.

When we receive the cancellation request after the second week of attending classes or participating in other services of the school, there is no refund of the initial membership payment.

At the request of the member for illness or incapacity of the member or dog(s) or the member moving away from the area (Boone and contiguous counties), we cancel additional monthly installments due for the balance of the membership year. We expect the member to pay the initial installment and monthly installments that are due up to the time the member requests cancellation. For example, for a membership that began in April and the member notified us of a move from the area in September, the member would be obligated for the initial fee (currently $285) and four monthly installments. We would cancel the membership and five monthly installments due for the balance of the year. For example, for a Columbia area membership that began in April (currently $875) and the member notified us of a move from the area in September, the member would expect to have paid $580 and we would cancel the remaining five monthly installments ($295).

Membership Continuation:  Members may pay for second or subsequent years of membership; by a single payment or by a continuation of monthly installments.

Membership Cancellation:  We may cancel a membership any time during a year because in our judgement, the member has misused or abused the facilities, other members or dogs.  We will use the policy described above for ending a membership for illness, incapacity or moving for refunds or cancellations of installments.

Membership Reapplication: When a former member applies for membership, the member will join at the member levels and categories currently in place, not the member’s previous status.

Equipment Purchase:

We do not refund purchases of equipment that is taken from the school.

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