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Level 1 Dog Training

What Dog Training Class Can Teach Your Dog. It can teach your dog that you are in charge; the dog must – pay attention to you, do what you tell the dog to do, come when called, walk nicely on leash, stay in place, resist impulses, and more. See the Level 1 topics below.
We want you to become the dog’s trusted leader; so the dog will look first to you for instruction and pay attention to you regardless of distractions that the dog may encounter.
We want your dog to have fun – get great value – in working with and for you. In the process, for you to have fun, too, working with your dog. We’d like to help.
Put our 50+ years’ experience as a dog trainer to work for you.
Level 1 Topics:
- Selecting and properly fitting training equipment
- Walking at your side and sitting when you stop (Heeling)
- Sitting, Lying down, Standing, and staying in those positions
- Coming when called (a life-saving trait)
- Tips on travel with your dog
- Solutions to common problems (Digging, Chewing, Barking, Jumping on people)
- Developing good manners for visits to the vet
- Grooming (Nail trimming, Dental care, Ear cleaning, Giving meds)
- Introduction to agility.
- Exercises to reduce the probability of dog bites
What it costs
The fee is $285. The fee covers the dog’s participation in the Level 1 class and the graduation class, Level 1+, for as long as it takes for the dog to learn the material. It also includes one-on-one coaching sessions, class handouts and other materials, no-cost telephone and e-mail consultation on handling and training problems during the enrollment. Payment is by credit/debit card.
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When it’s offered
We offer Level 1 nearly year-round in eight-week sessions. See the schedule for the day/times for classes in the current session. We offer the class in two formats; In person and virtual.
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How to enroll:
Open the “Contact Us” tab and send us a note or to call to ask about classes or activities. You and your dog(s) may begin training after a session has started. It is not necessary to wait for the start of a new eight-week session. If you are starting after the first week of a session, we will meet online for a one-on-one ‘getting started’ session with some homework, and you can join the class after that. You should plan to continue your attendance in the class in the subsequent session to pick up the lessons you may have missed.