More About Our GSDs
Over the years as German Shepherd Dog breeders we have produced from our own breeding 6 OFA excellent dogs, six champions of record, many more with U.S. points, two futurity winners, 24 German Shepherds with CD, CDX and UD titles. We have bred dogs that have served as foundation stock for seeing eye dogs, service dogs and seizure detection dogs.

Our dogs have been in plays, movies, TV commercials and the like. Scarcity was on several Hallmark Card items, including a Christmas card.Many of our four-generation pedigrees have nearly 100 percent OFA certification for hips and elbows. Our German Shepherds have worked extensively in 4H youth projects and serve as therapy dogs in hospitals and nursing homes.
As companions, our German Shepherds of saved the lives of 12 of their human family members–from fires, gas leaks, and assaults.
Our dogs have been in plays, movies, TV commercials and the like. Scarcity was on several Hallmark Card items, including a Christmas card.Many of our four-generation pedigrees have nearly 100 percent OFA certification for hips and elbows. Our German Shepherds have worked extensively in 4H youth projects and serve as therapy dogs in hospitals and nursing homes.
As companions, our German Shepherds of saved the lives of 12 of their human family members–from fires, gas leaks, and assaults.

The foundation of our German Shepherds is Ch. Yana, CD, ROM. She appeared in the 1982 and 1983 Redbook, the Register of Merit and Futurity and Maturity Tabulation system, published by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America.
In the early 2000s, personal illness and related circumstances made us unable to continue to breed litters.