Show & Tell

Shoot Video for Show & Tell

View of dog agility class through tire jump

Intro to the tire & tunnel

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Show & Tell was always an important — and often fun — part of the school week for many of us. Let’s do it again as you train your dog.  Use your smartphone to shoot some short videos of your dog.

We invite those enrolled in our classes to send us some videos as you train. We will look at them, give you some feedback and only post them for other members of the school if they show some aspect of training that could be helpful to everyone.

We can use this process for three things –

  • Show what progress (or not) you dog is making on the class lessons. We will send reminder invitations from time to time to submit videos that show your dog’s progress.
  • Submit video examples at any time of your dog’s behavior that you would like help changing. That video can be useful in helping you figure out what to do to help the dog curb their objectionable behavior.
  • Show the ‘tricks’ you dog is learning. The video can show progress, not necessarily a polished trick. Tricks also teach your dogs the important lessons in training — attention, time-on-task, etc.

How to: Use your smartphone or tablet to take the videos. You don’t need to edit the video. In fact, unedited video can be more useful in helping you evaluate training than edited versions. Limit the length of each video to about 30 – 40 seconds.

When you submit the video, we ask that you give the video a caption to provide a sentence or two that describes the video and what it shows about the learning, a problem or the trick.

 Part of socialization -- A daily exam for the puppy.

Part of socialization — A daily exam for the puppy.

Progress Videos: Here are the links to use to send the progress videos showing how your dog is learning or having difficulty in learning — getting off task easily, etc.:

The dog may enjoy jumping, but it can be hazardous to people

The dog may enjoy jumping, but it can be hazardous to people

Problem Videos: Here is the web address to use to send short videos that show your dog’s behavior that you want help fixing:

Through teaching tricks, children engage their dogs in learning

Through teaching tricks, children engage their dogs in learning

Tricks Videos: Here is the web address to use to send short videos of the progress your dog is making to learn tricks:

See this page for list of the tests and other recognition you may earn with your dog.

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